Blending in
It's 10 p.m. in San Francisco. And while I'd normally be in bed back at home, I'm heading out to Museum of 3D Illusions. I'm not exactly sure what to expect here. To me, it sounds like a fun-house of sorts but as I look at the website on my way to visit the team there, I don't really know what I'm in for. I can confidently say it looks like an interesting experience.
Upon my arrival, I'm greeted by the staff and given the tour while accompanied by a personal photographer. Along the way he's suggesting poses in front of the painted walls. It's one thing to stand in front of the flat wall and pose, and it's another to see the pictures once they're snapped. Basically, at just the right angle it looks like you're part of the scene behind you. It's a pretty crazy 3D experience.
I continue my poses on a magic carpet, sitting on a giant snake and leaping out the back of a plane, I'm interested to see what the final product is. At first it seems strange to take the direction from the photographer but after seeing a couple sample shots you just run with it and trust that you're getting the full effect.
We tape our radio interview in the office while my photoshoot is downloading. I'm given souvenir picture frames and magnets with my glam shots (or as glam as I get when it's already after my bedtime). The rest of the pics are emailed to us and the illusions are fascinating.

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As we wind our way through the displays, the paintings on the wall get more detailed and the poses get more playful. It looks like you're on a runaway street car with parts of the floor missing but really you're just standing in front of (and on) a very detailed painting. It looks like you're dangling from the side of a skyscraper but you're simply laying on the floor with your hands positioned in just the right spot. Nevertheless, it's pretty outrageous.
Top of The Charts and The Open Road with Jeremy Bradley broadcast from San Francisco for summer vacation
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JB chats about going 3D